Surviving January - GTM Digital Tips

Online advertising strategy to survive January


When we think of January, it's easy to conjure up images of being dragged from the warm glow of a roaring fire and forced into the cold, dark outdoors. It's a month when we all have New Year's resolutions that we'd be happy to see go unfulfilled for all eternity; but for businesses who rely on new customers for their livelihoods, January can be an incredibly difficult time.

The post-Christmas lull can be difficult to navigate, but with the right approach, you can use this month as an opportunity to attract new customers and build momentum ahead of spring sales. In this guide we'll look at how online businesses in particular can survive January by highlighting trends such as "Divorce Month" or "Poverty Week". We'll also cover what makes them successful so that you can ensure yours isn't!

Online businesses are afraid to invest after the festive period.

In the world of digital marketing, January is a period of low activity. Many businesses are afraid to invest after the festive period and prefer to wait until February or later.

This means that in January you have a great opportunity to set yourself apart from your competitors and attract new customers. In this article we will show you how it's done!

  • SEO - Search Engine Optimization: If you want your website found online, SEO is indispensable for its success. This is why it should be considered at all times. But because Google has changed its algorithm several times in recent years, SEO needs maintenance throughout the year. For example: if you want more traffic from search engines such as Google or Bing, then you need to keep up with changes and make adjustments accordingly (for example by adding more content on relevant topics). That said, there are some things that can be implemented specifically during January:* Social media marketing campaigns* Display advertising campaigns

January is a month of recovery for many companies.

January is a month of recovery for many companies. After the festive season, when consumers spent heavily on items and services, businesses are afraid to be too promotional during this period.

But don't let that stop you from making an impact in January! Here are some tips for how you can make a splash...

The most effective approach is to avoid overtly negative messaging instead, focus on how your offer could positively impact someone's life.

The most effective approach is to avoid overtly negative messaging instead, focus on how your offer could positively impact someone's life. People are more likely to respond to positive messaging than they are negative. Positive messaging works because it shows you care about the person you are reaching out to, and people love being valued by others. The goal of your ad should be for the customer or prospect as well as their family members and friends to say: “Wow! They really care about me!”

You can use this strategy by writing a compelling storyline that highlights what makes your product or service so great for someone in particular and then show how it solves their problem in a way that resonates emotionally with them (example: “If only there was something that could help us eat healthier without spending hours in the kitchen...”).

Shoppers are aware that they will be bombarded with offers and they expect the most attractive discounts and deals to be found online.

Shoppers are aware that they will be bombarded with offers and they expect the most attractive discounts and deals to be found online. They also prefer to shop online because they can compare prices, easily browse a wider range of products and check reviews before buying.

The best strategy is to use a mix of advertising methods, ensuring you maximise both your reach and frequency.

To avoid a burnout, it's important to take a balanced approach to your reach and frequency. Using a mix of advertising methods will ensure that you maximise both reach and frequency.

The best way to reach your target audience is by using a mix of channels. The most effective way to ensure you reach your audience is by using a mix of channels.

Far from being a month of doom and gloom, businesses can thrive in January with the right approach.

With January being the worst month for business, you might think that it would be best to avoid advertising altogether. However, if you follow these tips and use a mix of different promotional approaches, you can boost sales and get your business off to a flying start in 2019.

Avoid overtly negative messaging. The best way to approach January is not with an inherently negative message but instead by focusing on how your offer could positively impact someone’s life. For example, if your product involves weight-loss or some other health benefit, then consider how happy people would be if they were able to reach their goals faster than expected.


The key to a successful January is flexibility. Your approach needs to be tailored to your audience and the opportunities that exist for you at this time of year. You may have less money available for advertising, but there are still ways for you to engage with customers and reach out to potential new ones without over-spending on traditional media channels.


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