How to Work With HYPEWORKS


If you're like most brands, you're probably considering hiring a digital marketing agency. But as with any new relationship, there's an initial period of uncertainty and anxiety. What if the other person doesn't like me for who I am? What if the relationship isn't going to work out because we have different needs? These questions are valid, but they don't need to be paralyzing ones. In fact, armed with some basic knowledge of how agencies work and what they can do for you—and knowing which questions to ask—you'll find that finding a great match is much easier than it might seem at first blush.

Have a clear idea of the problem you want the agency to solve

Having a clear idea of the problem you want the agency to solve will help you get the most out of your partnership. An agency's expertise isn't as broad as yours, so it's important for you to know what kinds of problems you want them to solve.

Agencies are good at many things—strategy and planning; ideation; UX design; writing content (copywriting and web copy); developing landing pages; social media management; generating leads through email marketing campaigns or retargeting ads. Some agencies can even handle aspects of PPC campaign management, but this is best left in the hands of an experienced team who knows how to optimize budgets and bid on different keywords in order for ads to appear on search engines like Google or Bing.

If there are several areas where your brand needs help improving or expanding upon their current digital presence, then finding an agency that specializes in those areas makes sense because they'll be able to pull together all necessary resources under one roof instead of relying on multiple vendors who may not have experience working together smoothly before starting a new project with each other (this is especially true if they're located across continents).

Seek out an agency with a good culture fit

As you begin to look for agencies, it's important to take a close look at the agency's culture. A quality digital marketing agency will have a friendly and collaborative atmosphere. You should feel comfortable approaching your account manager with questions and concerns, as well as feel free to ask them if they have any suggestions on how best to improve your campaign or business in general.

If you're not feeling like there is good culture fit with an agency, we recommend taking some time away from them and reassessing things in a few weeks. Sometimes a bit of distance can help provide new perspective!

Be honest about your budget

  • Be honest about your budget.

  • Don't be tempted to go for a cheap option.

  • If you want to scale up, make sure the agency can scale with you.

If you want to scale up, make sure the agency can scale with you

If you want to scale up, make sure the agency can scale with you.

As your business grows and your needs expand, there is a natural inclination to want to hire more staff. If an agency is right for you, ask them about how they handle scaling up and how they’ll keep costs in check while you grow.

There are a lot of factors to consider in finding the right digital marketing agency for your brand.

There are a lot of factors to consider in finding the right digital marketing agency for your brand. Here are a few tips:

  • Have a clear idea of what problem you want the agency to solve. If you have an existing marketing team, make sure they're aware of what's going on and that they can weigh in on decisions—they may need to work with the new agency in order.

  • Seek out an agency with a good culture fit. It's tempting to hire someone who has more experience or comes highly recommended by everyone else at your company, but that may not always be best for everyone involved (or even the business).

  • Be honest about your budget, but don't let it be the only factor in selecting an agency (and make sure they do their research before giving ballpark figures).


Ultimately, it’s all about finding the right digital marketing agency for your brand. It may be tempting to go with an agency that offers a cheaper price and promises to do more work than the competition. But in reality, you get what you pay for—and if this is your first time working with an agency, then it’s especially important that they have experience working with brands just like yours who want to succeed online.


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